Tools useful for filtering JSON objects based on keys.
- monetdb_stethoscope.filtering.exclude_filter(excluded_keys)¶
Returns a filter that discards the keys in excluded_keys list.
- monetdb_stethoscope.filtering.filter_keys_exclude(json_object, excluded_keys)¶
Create a new dictionary by filtering a single given dictionary excluding the keys specified in the iterable excluded_keys.
- monetdb_stethoscope.filtering.filter_keys_include(json_object, included_keys)¶
Create a new dictionary object by filtering a single given dictionary object including the keys specified in the iterable included_keys.
- monetdb_stethoscope.filtering.identity_filter()¶
Returns a filter that does nothing.
- monetdb_stethoscope.filtering.include_filter(included_keys)¶
Returns a filter that only keeps the keys in included_keys list.
Utilities for formatting and outputting records.
- monetdb_stethoscope.formatting.json_formatter(dct)¶
Creates a JSON string from the given dictionary (dct) and prints it to the given output_stream.
- monetdb_stethoscope.formatting.line_formatter(dct)¶
Formats a dictionary dct into one line and prints it to the output_stream.
Values in dct are written one after the other, separated by the string ‘,t’. The whole line is surrounded by square brackets.
- monetdb_stethoscope.formatting.raw_formatter(obj)¶
Prints the argument obj argument to the output_stream without further formatting.
Tools used for parsing the MonetDB profiler output
- monetdb_stethoscope.parsing.json_parser()¶
Returns a callable that can parse JSON strings.
- monetdb_stethoscope.parsing.parser_wrapper(json_str)¶
JSON parser with exception logging
Tools for changing (adding information) the profiler objects.
- class monetdb_stethoscope.transformers.PrerequisiteTransformer¶
Add a list of PCs of prerequisite instructions.
- class monetdb_stethoscope.transformers.ValueObfuscateTransformer¶
Replace every literal value in the plan with three asterisks.
- monetdb_stethoscope.transformers.statement_constructor(json_object)¶
Reconstruct a MAL statement from the given profiler object.
- monetdb_stethoscope.utilities.identity_function(input_object)¶
Returns the argument as is.